Top Explainer Video Script Examples: A Comprehensive Guide

Guide to Explainer Video Scripts


Explainer videos have emerged as a powerful tool in the arsenal of businesses, startups, and organizations worldwide. They serve as a dynamic platform to convey complex ideas, intricate processes, or dense information in a simple, engaging, and digestible manner. The magic of explainer videos lies in their ability to transform the mundane into the fascinating, the complicated into the straightforward, and the tedious into the captivating.

The Importance of great Explainer Video Scripts

But what's the secret ingredient behind a compelling explainer video? A well-crafted, meticulously planned, and creatively written explainer video script. The script is the backbone of your explainer video, the blueprint that guides its direction and flow. It's the narrative that tells your story, sells your idea, and connects with your audience.

The Role of Structure

In this comprehensive guide, we'll delve into some top explainer video script examples and structures. These structures provide a framework that can help you organize your ideas, deliver your message effectively, and engage your audience.

Problem Agitation Solution (PAS)

Engaging explainer video script

The PAS structure is a classic in the world of marketing and sales. It's a persuasive storytelling technique that revolves around three main elements: identifying a problem, agitating that problem, and then presenting a solution. This structure works exceptionally well for a explainer video script as it directly addresses the viewer's pain points and offers a solution, creating an immediate connection and understanding.

PAS Example


"Are you a business owner constantly grappling with the challenge of explaining your intricate product to potential customers? (Problem). It's like trying to navigate a maze, isn't it? You see the interest in your potential customer's eyes wane as you delve deeper into the technicalities and complexities (Agitation). But what if there was a way to make this maze a walk in the park? That's where our explainer video comes in. With our engaging, clear, and easy-to-understand videos, you can communicate complex ideas effortlessly, keeping your audience hooked, your product understood, and your sales soaring (Solution)."

PAS in Practice

For a deeper dive into how to effectively use the PAS structure in your explainers, check out our comprehensive guide.

AIDA (Attention, Interest, Desire, Action)

The AIDA structure is another popular choice for explainer video scripts. It's a persuasive writing technique designed to guide the viewer through a series of cognitive stages, from initial attention to the final action. It stands for Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action, each representing a step in the viewer's journey.

AIDA Example

AIDA Explainer Video Script


"Ever felt like you're trying to explain a foreign language when talking about your product? (Attention). Our explainers are designed to break down even the most complicated concepts into digestible, easy-to-understand content (Interest). Imagine the satisfaction of seeing your audience's eyes light up as they grasp your product's value, the relief of not having to navigate through technical jargon, and the excitement of seeing your conversion rates climb (Desire). Why wait? Get in touch with us today and let's bring clarity to your communication (Action)."

AIDA in Practice

To learn more about how to leverage the AIDA structure in your explainers, visit our blog post.

The Hero's Journey

The Hero's Journey is a narrative structure that has been used in storytelling for centuries. It involves ahero who embarks on an adventure, faces and overcomes a crisis, and then returns home transformed. This structure can be adapted to create compelling explainers that take the viewer on a journey, making them more invested in the story and, by extension, the product or service being explained.

The Hero's Journey Example

Explainer Video Script: The Hero's Journey


"Meet John, a business owner with a revolutionary product, but he's struggling to explain its complexities to potential customers (The Hero's Problem). One day, he stumbles upon our explainer video services (The Call to Adventure). With our help, John embarks on a journey to transform his product explanations, making them engaging and easy to understand (The Adventure). After seeing the positive response from his customers and the growth in his business, John's approach to communication is forever changed (The Transformation)."

The Hero's Journey in Practice

To explore more about how to use The Hero's Journey structure in your explainers, check out our detailed article.

Features-Advantages-Benefits (FAB)

FAB Explainer Video Script Example

The FAB structure is a powerful way to showcase your product or service in your explainer video. It involves highlighting the Features of your product, explaining the Advantages of these features, and then demonstrating the Benefits that the customer will receive.

FAB Example


"Our explainers come with high-quality animation (Feature), ensuring that your content is not only informative but also visually appealing (Advantage). This means your audience will be more engaged, leading to higher retention and conversion rates (Benefit)."

FAB in Practice

The FAB structure is particularly effective when you want to highlight the unique selling points of your product or service. It allows you to showcase the specific features of your offering, explain why these features are advantageous, and demonstrate how they can benefit the customer.

Before-After-Bridge (BAB)

Writing explainer video scripts

The BAB structure is a persuasive storytelling technique that paints a picture of the viewer's current problem (Before), shows them what life could be like without that problem (After), and then presents your product or service as the bridge that can get them there.

BAB Explainer Video Script Example


"Struggling to get your complex product message across to your potential customers? (Before). Imagine if you could explain your product effortlessly, with your audience understanding every detail (After). Our explainers are the bridge to that reality, transforming complex ideas into engaging, easy-to-understand content (Bridge)."

BAB in Practice

The BAB structure is a powerful way to highlight the transformation that your product or service can bring about. By painting a vivid picture of the viewer's current problem and contrasting it with a more desirable future, you can effectively demonstrate the value of your offering.

The 5W's (Who, What, When, Where, Why)

Good Explainer Video Script

The 5W's structure is a simple yet effective way to ensure your explainer video covers all the necessary information. It involves answering the questions Who, What, When, Where, and Why.

5W's Explainer Video Script Example


"Who are we? We're a leading provider of explainer videos (Who). What do we do? We transform complex ideas into engaging, easy-to-understand content (What). When can you use our services? Whenever you need to communicate a complex product or service (When). Where do we operate? We're online, so we can help businesses worldwide (Where). Why choose us? Because we're committed to helping you improve your communication and boost your conversion rates (Why)."

5W's in Practice

The 5W's structure is particularly useful when you want to provide a comprehensive overview of your product or service. By answering these five fundamental questions, you can ensure that your explainer video covers all the essential information that your audience needs to know.

The Question and Answer (Q&A)

Great Explainer Video Script Structure - Q&A

The Q&A structure involves posing questions that your potential customers might have and then answering them in your explainer video. This structure is particularly effective for FAQ videos or when you want to address common queries about your product or service.

Q&A Explainer Video Script Example


"Wondering how explainer videos can benefit your business? With explainer videos, you can simplify complex ideas, improve customer understanding, and boost your conversion rates. Not sure how to get started? Our team is here to guide you through the process, from scriptwriting to animation."

Q&A Script in Practice

The Q&A structure is a great way to address common questions or concerns that your audience might have. By directly addressing these queries in your explainer video, you can build trust, demonstrate your expertise, and show that you understand your audience's needs.

The Testimonial

How to write scripts for testimonial type of videos

The Testimonial structure involves using customer testimonials or case studies to demonstrate the effectiveness of your product or service. This structure can build trust and credibility, as viewers often find peer reviews more convincing than sales pitches.

Testimonial Explainer Video Script Example


"Don't just take our word for it. Listen to Sarah, a business owner who used our explainer videos: 'I was struggling to explain my product to potential customers. But after using their explainer videos, I saw a significant increase in understanding and sales. I couldn't be happier with the results.'"

Testimonial in Practice

The Testimonial structure is a powerful way to showcase the real-world effectiveness of your product or service. By featuring testimonials or case studies from satisfied customers, you can provide social proof and build trust with your audience.

The Comparison

The comparison script structure

The Comparison structure involves comparing your product or service with a common problem or a competitor's offering. This structure can highlight the unique selling points of your product or service and show viewers why they should choose you.

Comparison Example


"Think of your complex product explanation as a tangled knot. Our explainer videos are like a magic wand that can untangle that knot, making everything clear and straightforward."

Comparison in Practice

The Comparison structure is a creative way to highlight the unique features and benefits of your product or service. By comparing your offering with a common problem or a competitor's product, you can effectively demonstrate why your product or service is the better choice.

Tips and Best Practices for Writing an Explainer Video Scripts

Script Writing Tips and Best Practices

Crafting an effective explainer video script is both an art and a science. It requires a balance of creativity and strategic thinking. Here are some tips and best practices to help you write a script that engages your audience and communicates your message effectively.

Understand Your Audience

Before you start writing your explainer video script, it's crucial to understand your audience. Who are they? What are their pain points? What kind of language do they use? The more you know about your audience, the better you can tailor your script to their needs and interests.

Keep It Short and Simple

The best explainer videos are short and to the point. Aim for a explainer video script that's no longer than 90 seconds. This is about as long as your audience can maintain their attention. Also, keep your language simple and avoid jargon. Remember, the goal of your explainer video is to make complex ideas easy to understand.

Focus on Benefits, Not Features

While it's important to highlight the features of your product or service, your audience is more interested in what those features can do for them. So, focus on the benefits. How can your product or service solve their problem or make their life better?

Use a Conversational Tone

Explainer videos should feel like a conversation with the viewer. So, write your explainer video script in a conversational tone. Use "you" to address the viewer directly and "we" to refer to your company. This can make your video feel more personal and engaging.

Include a Call to Action

At the end of your explainer video, tell your viewers what you want them to do next. This could be visiting your website, signing up for a free trial, or contacting your sales team. A clear call to action can guide your viewers to the next step in their customer journey.

The Power of Storytelling in Explainers

Storytelling is a powerful tool in explainer videos. It can make your video more engaging, memorable, and persuasive. Here are some ways to incorporate storytelling into your explainer video script.

Use Characters and Conflict

Characters and conflict are the heart of any good story. In your explainer video, the character could be your viewer or a persona that represents your target audience. The conflict could be the problem that your product or service solves. By showing how your character overcomes their conflict with your product or service, you can create a compelling story that resonates with your viewers.

Follow a Clear Structure

A good story has a clear structure. This could be the classic three-act structure (setup, confrontation, resolution), the Hero's Journey, or one of the structures we discussed earlier. A clear structure can guide your viewers through your story and make your message more understandable.

Evoke Emotion

Emotion is a powerful driver of engagement and decision-making. By evoking emotion in your explainer video, you can make your viewers more invested in your story and more likely to take action. This could be the excitement of a new discovery, the relief of a problem solved, or the joy of a better future.

The Role of Humor in a Explainer Video Script

The role of humor when you write a script

Humor can be a great way to make your explainer video more engaging and memorable. But it's important to use it wisely. Here are some tips for incorporating humor into your explainer video script.

Know Your Audience

Humor is subjective. What one person finds funny, another might find offensive or confusing. So, it's important to know your audience and what kind of humor they appreciate.

Be Subtle

When it comes to humor, less is often more. A subtle joke or a clever play on words can be more effective than a slapstick comedy routine. Remember, the goal of your explainer video is to communicate your message, not to make your viewers laugh out loud. So, use humor to enhance your message, not to distract from it.

Stay On Brand

While humor can make your explainer video more engaging, it's important to stay on brand. If your brand is serious and professional, a humorous explainer video might not be the best fit. On the other hand, if your brand is fun and quirky, humor can be a great way to express your brand personality.

The Importance of Visuals in Explainer Videos

Script Writing: the importance of visuals in an animated video

While the explainer video script is the backbone of your video, the visuals are what bring your script to life. Here are some tips for aligning your script with your visuals.

Show, Don't Tell

One of the main benefits of explainer videos is their ability to show rather than tell. Instead of explaining a complex process in words, you can show it in action. So, when writing your script, think about how you can translate your words into visuals.

Use Metaphors and Analogies

Metaphors and analogies can be a great way to explain complex ideas in a simple and visual way. For example, you could compare a complex process to a journey, with each step of the process being a stop along the way.

Align Your Visuals with Your Explainer Video Scripts

Your visuals should complement your explainer video script, not distract from it. So, make sure your visuals align with your script. If your script talks about a problem, show that problem in your visuals. If your script presents a solution, show that solution in action.

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